PyMPX.exceptions - reference
- exception pympx.exceptions.CompletelyLoggedError[source]
If we have logged everything we need to know about an error, we do not need to print a stacktrace to the logs, or log an Unhandled Error for the end user. Raise this error once all the pertinent captured error is logged, to improve the end user experience
- exception pympx.exceptions.EmpowerImporterError[source]
Generic error used to catch any error caused when using Empower Importer or Batch
- exception pympx.exceptions.EmpowerImporterOutputLostError[source]
Thrown when running importer causes output to be lost because it requires a final output command
- exception pympx.exceptions.EmpowerImporterVersionError[source]
When functionality is not available in a version of Empower Importer or Batch this error can be thrown
- exception pympx.exceptions.EmpowerSecurityError[source]
Exception to be thrown when encrypted password or user name has not been set
- exception pympx.exceptions.LoaderSetupError[source]
Thrown when the setup of a loader is incomplete or inconsistent