/* Metapraxis Limited */
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/* Copyright (©) Metapraxis Ltd, 2017-present, all rights reserved. */
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[docs]class MPXError(Exception):
'''Root Metapraxis exception, allows us to catch any exception in this module'''
[docs]class UpstreamFailureError(MPXError):
'''Exception designed to be thrown when there is a failure in an upstream parallel process'''
[docs]class CompletelyLoggedError(MPXError):
'''If we have logged everything we need to know about an error,
we do not need to print a stacktrace to the logs, or log an Unhandled Error for the end user.
Raise this error once all the pertinent captured error is logged, to improve the end user experience'''
[docs]class EmpowerSecurityError(Exception):
'''Exception to be thrown when encrypted password or user name has not been set'''
[docs]class EmpowerImporterError(MPXError):
'''Generic error used to catch any error caused when using Empower Importer or Batch'''
[docs]class EmpowerImporterVersionError(EmpowerImporterError):
'''When functionality is not available in a version of Empower Importer or Batch this error can be thrown'''
[docs]class EmpowerImporterOutputLostError(EmpowerImporterError):
'''Thrown when running importer causes output to be lost because it requires a final output command'''
[docs]class LoaderSetupError(MPXError):
'''Thrown when the setup of a loader is incomplete or inconsistent'''
class MonitoringError(MPXError):
'''Thrown when a process monitor discovers a process is unresponsive'''
class ValidationError(MPXError):
class RecordLengthError(ValidationError):
def __init__(self,record_index,expected_record_length,record):
self.record_index = record_index
self.expected = expected_record_length
self.record = record
self.column = None
#Look backwards for the first value
number_of_blanks_at_end = 0
for n, v in enumerate(list(record.values())[::-1]):
if v is not None:
number_of_blanks_at_end = n
self.actual = expected_record_length - number_of_blanks_at_end
class ColumnNotExistsError(ValidationError):
def __init__(self,column_key,columns_in_reader):
self.record_index = 0
self.expected = 'Expected a column named "{}"'.format(column_key)
self.column = column_key
self.actual = str(columns_in_reader)
class FormatConversionError(ValidationError):
def __init__(self,record_index,expected_format,column_key,record):
self.record_index = record_index
self.expected = str(expected_format)
self.record = record
self.column = column_key
self.actual = record[column_key]
class LookupError(ValidationError):
def __init__(self,record_index,expected_lookup
self.record_index = record_index
self.expected = str(expected_lookup)
self.record = record
self.column = column_key
self.actual = record[column_key]
class BusinessLogicError(ValidationError):
def __init__(self,record_index,expected_logic,actual_logic,record,column_key=None):
self.record_index = record_index
self.expected = str(expected_logic)
self.record = record
self.column = column_key
self.actual = actual_logic