PyMPX.pympx module - reference

Site objects

An object model which allows Metapraxis Empower sites to be manipulated programatically

class pympx.pympx.Site(site_locator=None, work_directory=None, storage_dimension_index=None, elements_per_storage_dimension=None, number_of_unit_dimensions=None, empower_importer_executable='C:\\Program Files\\Metapraxis\\Empower 9.9\\Empower Importer Console.exe', logging_queue=None, security_storage_path=None, debug=False, machine_locked=False)[source]

Representation of a Metapraxis Empower site.


Gets the base dimension i.e.


A synonym for .mode


A synonym for .base


A dictionary like object of zero indexed dimensions for the site


Get the Importer object for this site.


A synonym for .metric


The named loaders for this site.


Gets the metric dimension i.e.


Gets the mode dimension i.e.


Gets the time dimension i.e.


Gets the transformation dimension i.e.


A dictionary-like object of shortname indexed `Viewpoint`s for this site



Housekeep this site, to reduce the size of data files

loader(name[, source, delta, ...])

Create a named loader for this site.




__init__(site_locator=None, work_directory=None, storage_dimension_index=None, elements_per_storage_dimension=None, number_of_unit_dimensions=None, empower_importer_executable='C:\\Program Files\\Metapraxis\\Empower 9.9\\Empower Importer Console.exe', logging_queue=None, security_storage_path=None, debug=False, machine_locked=False)[source]

Log on to the site and access Dimensions, Structures and transactional data. If you have never logged on before on the machine you are calling from, you will be prompted for a user name and password. The password will be stored in C:Empower SitesPythonSecurityunder a directory containing the site name

If you have Empower Importer 9.5 RC6 or greater installed you only need to specify site_locator (or site path) Specify the work_directory if you want to, otherwise it will default to C:Empower SitesTemp Work[Site Name]

  • site_locator – Path to the .eks or .beks containing the site, or site locator string for an SQL site

  • work_directory – a directory for work files used when exporting and importing data into Empower.

  • storage_dimension_index – If you are using an Empower Importer version before 9.5..855 specify the 0 based index of the storage dimension. This can be found in “Site Details” in Empower. This information is read automatically with later versions of Importer.

  • elements_per_storage_dimension – If you are using an Empower Importer version before 9.5..855 specify the number of elements in each the storage dimension. This can be found in “Site Details” in Empower. This information is read automatically with later versions of Importer.

  • number_of_unit_dimensions – If you are using an Empower Importer version before 9.5..855 specify the number of unit dimensions in this empower site. This can be found in “Site Details” in Empower. This information is read automatically with later versions of Importer.

  • empower_importer_executable – If you wish to interface with Empower using a version of Empower Importer that is not kept in the standard location then set a path to the executable you wish to use here. By default PyMPX will try to find the latest Empower Importer installed on the system.

  • logging_queue – multiprocessing.Queue used to send log messages to. Log messages are sent to the console by default, but can be redirected to a file listener at the other end of this queue.

  • security_storage_path – directory for holding encrypted and user locked security credentials. This will default to C:Empower Sites if no path is set.

  • debug – Boolean, set to true when you want exports and imports performed by Importer written to file rather than being passed around in memory. Useful for debugging probelematic Imports/Exports

  • machine_locked – Boolean, set to true when you want security to be machine locked, so that a servcie account can run Empower, after the password has been set up and the Key1 key has been given read access

property base

Gets the base dimension i.e. .dimensions[10]

property comparison

A synonym for .mode

property currency

A synonym for .base

property dimensions

A dictionary like object of zero indexed dimensions for the site

>>> #Create a reference the the customer dimension, assuming it is the first dimension in the site `mysite`
>>> customer = mysite.dimensions[0]

Housekeep this site, to reduce the size of data files

property importer

Get the Importer object for this site. See Importer api documentation for how to use the returned Importer object

property indicator

A synonym for .metric

loader(name, source=None, delta=True, identifier_columns=None, empower_period_type=3)[source]

Create a named loader for this site. Loaders need to be named to ensure the bulk load process works correctly

property loaders

The named loaders for this site. A Loader Loaders need to be named to ensure the bulk load process works correctly

property metric

Gets the metric dimension i.e. .dimensions[9]

property mode

Gets the mode dimension i.e. .dimensions[9]

property time

Gets the time dimension i.e. .dimensions[11]

property transformation

Gets the transformation dimension i.e. .dimensions[12]

property viewpoints

A dictionary-like object of shortname indexed `Viewpoint`s for this site

class pympx.pympx.Dimension(site, index)[source]

An Empower Dimension

Manipulate a dimension’s elements, structures and security using this class.


Shortname indexed elements for the dimension


return a the field definitions of the dimension as an ordered dictionary


The Dimension’s Empower longname


Structures for the dimension - by shortname



Return a StructureElement within a Dimension by passing in the path as a string

make_elements_from_dataframe(dataframe[, ...])

Make new elements from a pandas Dataframe columns should be ['Short Name','Long Name','Description','Group Only','Calculation Status','Calculation','Colour','Measure Element'] followed by field shortnames If shortname is missing it will be generated from the long name All other columns should relate to a field shortname If parent_key_column is set

make_structure_from_dataframe(dataframe, ...)

Make a structure from a pandas Dataframe columns should be ['Short Name'] and a parent key column (default 'Parent Short Name').

synchronise([reexport, reimport, ...])

Synchronise the Elements in the Dimension with the Empower Site.

__init__(site, index)[source]
property elements

Shortname indexed elements for the dimension

.elements behaves like a dictionary (you can call .values(), .items() and .keys() on it), but when iterated over it yields Elements one after the other.

A single element can be retrieved from .elements by indexing it on its shortname, e.g.: >>> site.dimension[0].elements[‘MYSHORTCO2’]

property fields

return a the field definitions of the dimension as an ordered dictionary


Return a StructureElement within a Dimension by passing in the path as a string


A string describing the path to a StructureElement within a Dimension

e.g. >>> site.dimension[0].get(‘SPAM.EGGS/BACON’)

Will return the ‘BACON’ Structure Element from the ‘SPAM’ Structure

property longname

The Dimension’s Empower longname

make_elements_from_dataframe(dataframe, primary_key_columns=['Short Name'], deduplicate='last', longname_shortname_rule=None, subsequent_shortname_rule=None, sync=True, structure_shortname=None, structure_root_element_shortname=None, parent_key_column=None, parent_key_field_name=None, include_parent_key_column_in_element=False)[source]

Make new elements from a pandas Dataframe columns should be [‘Short Name’,’Long Name’,’Description’,’Group Only’,’Calculation Status’,’Calculation’,’Colour’,’Measure Element’] followed by field shortnames If shortname is missing it will be generated from the long name All other columns should relate to a field shortname If parent_key_column is set

  • primary_key_columns – the columns to be used when deciding what is a unique element. Should be a list of field names of the element

  • deduplicate – remove duplicates based on the primary key name - set to False if you have manually removed duplicates already. Otherwise choose ‘first’ or ‘last’ to create dimension elements from the the first or last instance of the primary_key_field

  • structure_shortname – Must be set if we want to create a structure from this dataframe simultaneously with creating the elements.

  • parent_key_column

  • parent_key_field_name

  • include_parent_key_column_in_element – If set to false the parent_key_column will be only used to create the nominated structure. If set to True, the parent key column will be also saved as a field in the Element

make_structure_from_dataframe(dataframe, structure_shortname, structure_root_element_shortname=None, parent_key_column='Parent Short Name', parent_key_field_name='Short Name', sync=True)[source]

Make a structure from a pandas Dataframe columns should be [‘Short Name’] and a parent key column (default ‘Parent Short Name’). The key field of the parent should be specified - default is ‘Short Name’

  • structure_root_element_shortname – only needs to be set if there are multiple root elements in the structure

  • parent_key_column – column name (in dataframe) which refers to the parent

  • parent_key_field_name – the field to be used (in the parent element) when deciding what is a unique element

property structures

Structures for the dimension - by shortname

.structures behaves like a dictionary (you can call .values(), .items() and .keys() on it), but when iterated over it yields Structures one after the other.

A single Structure can be retrieved from .structures by indexing it on its shortname, e.g.: >>> site.dimension[0].structures[‘SPAM’]

synchronise(reexport=True, reimport=False, primary_key_fields=['Short Name'])[source]

Synchronise the Elements in the Dimension with the Empower Site.

New elements will be created in Empower and changed field values will be updated in the Empower Site

class pympx.pympx.Structure(shortname=None, longname=None, dimension_index=None, dimension=None, description=None)[source]

Deprecated, Don’t use this function, To visit all of the descendants, simply use .walk()


The Empower description for this Structure.




Get a dictionary-like object contianing all of the hierarchies (top level StructureElements) in this Structure


The longname for this Structure.


Iterate over all of the hierarchies (root level structure elements) in turn.


The shortname for this Structure.


The shortname for this Structure.


add_child_element_parent(child, parent)

Add the child element to have a given parent.


Deprecated, Don't use this function, You probably want .get_root_element(), Failing that you may want .get_elements('some_sn')[0].


Get all of the elements in this structure with the given shortname


Get the root element in this structure with the given shortname


Deprecated, Use the python print() function instead.

set_child_element_parent(child, parent)

Synonym for add_child_element_parent() This function will be deprecated in a future release of pympx


Synchronise this structure with the Empower site.


Step through every element in the structure in turn.


Deprecated, Use .walk() instead.

__init__(shortname=None, longname=None, dimension_index=None, dimension=None, description=None)[source]
add_child_element_parent(child, parent)[source]

Add the child element to have a given parent. This is the one way we can set elements in a structure.

A more common way (and the preferred way) to set a child element would be to use the StructureElement directly using StructureElement.children .

  • child – Child element. StructureElement

  • parent – Parent element. StructureElement

property descendants

Deprecated, Don’t use this function, To visit all of the descendants, simply use .walk()

property description

The Empower description for this Structure.

property elements

Deprecated. Don’t use this function - use walk() instead


Deprecated, Don’t use this function, You probably want .get_root_element(), Failing that you may want .get_elements(‘some_sn’)[0].


Get all of the elements in this structure with the given shortname


Get the root element in this structure with the given shortname

property hierarchies

Get a dictionary-like object contianing all of the hierarchies (top level StructureElements) in this Structure

E.g. to get the root StructureElement for Structure my_structure, with shortcode ‘SPAM’:

>>> my_structure.hierarchies['SPAM']
property longname

The longname for this Structure.


Deprecated, Use the python print() function instead. Prints out the Structure in text form.

>>> print(site.dimensions[0].structures['SPAM'])
property root_elements

Iterate over all of the hierarchies (root level structure elements) in turn.

This proprty does not descend into those hierarchies - use .walk() to do that.

Does the same thing as .hierarchies.values()

set_child_element_parent(child, parent)[source]

Synonym for add_child_element_parent() This function will be deprecated in a future release of pympx

property shortcode

The shortname for this Structure. Synonym for .shortname

property shortname

The shortname for this Structure.


Synchronise this structure with the Empower site. Changes made to this structure will be written back to the Empower site that this structure belongs to.


Step through every element in the structure in turn. Start with the first root element and walk trunk to leaf, and then on to next leaf Yield elements as the walk goes on.


Deprecated, Use .walk() instead.

class pympx.pympx.StructureElement(parent_structure_element=None, structure=None, element=None, shortname=None, longname=None, physid=None, year=None, month=None, day=None, interval_index=None, is_root=False)[source]

An Element within a Structure.

StructureElement is one of the most powerful PyMPX classes, allowing Structures to be manipulated in multiple ways. Each StructureElement has a .parent and .children which define where it is in the Structure


Generator which yields every parent up to the root from this element


A string, similar to .path, of all ancestor StructureElements longnames starting at the root ancestor StructureElement and seperated with ‘ -> ‘


A string, similar to .path, of all ancestor StructureElements shortnames starting at the root ancestor StructureElement and seperated with ‘ -> ‘.


The calculation of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement.


The calculation_status of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement.


The children of this


The colour of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement.


For Time StructureElements only.


return a dictionary of depths (from root) and list of StructureElements at that depth


return a magic object which allows descendants to be indexed by shortname


The description of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement


The Empower Dimension this StructureElement belongs to


The Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement


Applies to time elements only.


A dictionary like object giving access to the underlying element’s fields.


‘Group’ if this is a Group Only StructureElement. A GroupOnly element does not have a calculation, and cannot have data associated with it


If this StructureElement has at least one childStructureElement, then return True, otherwise returns False


For Time StructureElements only.


For Time StructureElements only.


For Time StructureElements only.


If this StructureElement has no children it is a ‘leaf element’, so return True, otherwise returns False


Yield the leaf StructureElements in a ragged hierarchy, below the given shortname


return the zero-based depth of this structure from the root


The longname of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement


For Time StructureElements only.


For Time StructureElements only.


The Parent StructureElement of this StructureElement.


Route from the structure to this StructureElement


The physical identity of the underlying Element.


For Time StructureElements only.


The security of the underlying Element.


return a dictionary of shallownesses (from leaf) and list of StructureElements at that depth


The shortname of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement


The shortname of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement


The site this StructureElement belongs to


A string, similar to .path, of all ancestor StructureElements shortnames starting at the root ancestor StructureElement and seperated with ‘ -> ‘.


The Empower Structure that this StructureElemtn belongs to.


For Time StructureElements only.



Remove self from a hierarchy and replace self with children in the same spot This is very important for filtering, because we must leave an intact hierarchy when filtering, and successively abdicating elements will allow children to shuffle up


Add a child StructureElement to .children.


recursively apply a function to the hierarchy


Traverse tree from leaves to trunk (root)


Make the tree bushier and less straggly by putting single children in place of their parents

compare(other[, shortcode_translations, ...])

Compare this StructureElement to another, essentially doing a diff Also get a list of new, moved and removed elements


Create a consolidation calculation, and set the underlying Element's calculation to the sparse sum of the children


Return a copy of the hierarchy


Remove this structure element from its parent and return it.


Traverse tree from trunk (root) to leaves

diff(other[, shortcode_translations, ...])

Compare this StructureElement to another, essentially doing a diff If an element is new or has been removed then record this information.

embellish(mappings[, element_type_field, ...])

Add new elements in a layer to a StructureElement.

filter([filter_rule, shortcode_list, filter_in])

Filter out (or filter in) all elements of the subtree that do not (or do) conform to the filter rule or are not (or are) in the shortcode_list.


Get all of the elements in this hierarchy with the given shortname

get_leaves([subtree_shortname, permissive])

Yield the leaf StructureElements in a ragged hierarchy, below the given shortname :param subtree_shortname: Empower Short Name of the Structure Element we want to start yielding items from.


Starting at self (a root node) return a pandas DataFrame of shortname and physids for translating rollups for the sub-tree specified by the shortname


Yield unique leaf DimensionElements in a ragged hierarchy, below the given shortname :param subtree_shortname: Empower Short Name of the Structure Element we want to start yielding items from.

graft_on(scion_hierarchy[, ...])

When grafting apple trees together, you graft a scion (twig or branch) onto a rootstock tree.

print_hierarchy([prefix_string, counter])

Deprecated, Use the python print() function instead.


Remove a Child StructureElement.


Remove all children from this structure element/ Same as .children.clear()

replace_child(child_structure_element[, ...])

Replace one of the child structure elements with one or more structure elements in the same spot If there are no replacements, this function will behave in the same way as remove_child - only it will throw a KeyError if the child does not exist :param child_structure_element: Structure element in children to replace - if not found a KeyError will be raised :param replacements: a StructureElement or list of StructureElements to replace


Deprecated - the sort function is no longer used

set_tree(relationships[, update])

Set all of the relationships in the tree below this StructureElement.

slurp_up_field(fieldname[, optimisation_lookup])

From the leaves of a StructureElement to that StructureElement, copy the value in the children's field to the parent StructureElement's field, if and only if all of the fields on the children match.


Swap out elements in the tree for new ones If self not in the shortcode_element_dictionary, then return a copy of self

trickle_down_field(fieldname, value)

Set the value of a field on this StructureElement and all its descendents

trickle_down_fields(fieldname, value)



Add new relationships in the tree below this StructureElement.

walk([level, permissive])

Visit every descendant element in a Structure element in turn.

walk_subtree(subtree_shortname[, permissive])

Walk a tree starting at self (a root node) returning only the sub-tree specified by the shortname

walk_with_levels([level, permissive])

Yield all elements in a structure, beginning with the root.



__init__(parent_structure_element=None, structure=None, element=None, shortname=None, longname=None, physid=None, year=None, month=None, day=None, interval_index=None, is_root=False)[source]

Create a new StructureElement.

StructureElement is one of the most powerful PyMPX classes, allowing Structures to be manipulated in multiple ways. Each StructureElement has a .parent and .children which define where it is in the Structure

  • parent_structure_element – The StructureElement that is the parent of this StructureElement

  • structure – The Empower Structure this StructureElement belongs to. Doesn’t need to be set if parent_structure_element has its structure set

  • element – The Empower Element referred to. An Element can apepar in many StructureElements

  • shortname – If element is not set, then the shortname of the underlying element. See Element.shortname api documentation for details.

  • longname – If element is not set, then the longname of the underlying element. See Element.longname api documentation for details.

  • physid – If element is not set, then the physical ID of the underlying element. See Element.physid api documentation for details.

  • year – If element is not set, and this has a Time StructureElement, then the year of the underlying element. See Element.year api documentation for details.

  • month – If element is not set, and this has a Time StructureElement, then the month of the underlying element. See Element.month api documentation for details.

  • day – If element is not set, and this has a Time StructureElement, then the day of the underlying element. See api documentation for details.

  • interval_index – If element is not set, and this has a Time StructureElement, then the interval_index of the underlying element. See Element.interval_index api documentation for details.

  • is_root – Set this to True if the StructureElement is a root element in the hierarchy. This will automatically get set to False once a parent is set on this Element.


Remove self from a hierarchy and replace self with children in the same spot This is very important for filtering, because we must leave an intact hierarchy when filtering, and successively abdicating elements will allow children to shuffle up


Add a child StructureElement to .children.


child_structure_element – StructureElement, Element or shortcode string referring to an element. The child we wish to add to this StructureElement.

property ancestors

Generator which yields every parent up to the root from this element

property ancestors_longname_string

A string, similar to .path, of all ancestor StructureElements longnames starting at the root ancestor StructureElement and seperated with ‘ -> ‘

property ancestors_string

A string, similar to .path, of all ancestor StructureElements shortnames starting at the root ancestor StructureElement and seperated with ‘ -> ‘. Does not include this StructureElement’s shortname


recursively apply a function to the hierarchy


Traverse tree from leaves to trunk (root)

By depth determines if the primary consideration is the depth from the root (by_depth = True) or the shallowness from the leaves

Children always get returned before parents, but if by_depth is True, a leaf next to the root gets returned later, if False a leaf next to the root will be returned earlier


by_depth – True if the distance from the root is used to determine ordering, False if distance from the leaf (i.e. shallowness) is used to determine ordering

bushify(bushify_additional_rule=<function StructureElement.<lambda>>)[source]

Make the tree bushier and less straggly by putting single children in place of their parents


bushify_additional_rule – Extra rule to apply to decide if a StructureElement is eliminated or not


A +-B | +-C | +-D +-E

+-F +-G


A +-D +-E

+-F +-G

eliminating the unnecessary total elements B and C

property calculation

The calculation of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement.

property calculation_status

The calculation_status of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement. Can be one of ‘Real’ or ‘Calculated’ (i.e. virtual).

property children

The children of this

property colour

The colour of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement.

compare(other, shortcode_translations=None, reverse_translations=None)[source]

Compare this StructureElement to another, essentially doing a diff Also get a list of new, moved and removed elements

Return a StructureElementComparison object

  • other – StructureElement to compare self to

  • shortcode_translations – dictionary for translating shortcodes of “other” structure elements to shortcodes of “self” structure elements, so that similar hierarchies can be compared efficiently

  • reverse_translations – You shouldn’t need to specify this. It exists so that we don’t have to calculate the reverse translation for every _recursive_ call of this function


Create a consolidation calculation, and set the underlying Element’s calculation to the sparse sum of the children


Return a copy of the hierarchy


Remove this structure element from its parent and return it. This function is useful when we are about to ‘paste’ the element into another spot

property day

For Time StructureElements only. The day of the underlying Time Element. See for information

property depths

return a dictionary of depths (from root) and list of StructureElements at that depth


Traverse tree from trunk (root) to leaves

By depth determines if the primary consideration is the depth from the root (by_depth = True) or the shallowness from the leaves

Parents always get returned before children, but if by_depth is True, a leaf next to the root gets returned first, if False a leaf next to the root will be returned last


by_depth – True if the distance from the root is used to determine ordering, False if distance from the leaf (i.e. shallowness) is used to determine ordering

property descendants

return a magic object which allows descendants to be indexed by shortname

property description

The description of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement

diff(other, shortcode_translations=None, reverse_translations=None)[source]

Compare this StructureElement to another, essentially doing a diff If an element is new or has been removed then record this information. If an element is in the same position or has been moved, record the information and then proceed to checking the children Return a StructureElementComparison object

  • other – StructureElement to compare self to

  • shortcode_translations – dictionary for translating shortcodes of “other” structure elements to shortcodes of “self” structure elements, so that similar hierarchies can be compared efficiently

  • reverse_translations – You shouldn’t need to specify this. It exists so that we don’t have to calculate the reverse translation for every _recursive_ call of this function

property dimension

The Empower Dimension this StructureElement belongs to

property element

The Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement

embellish(mappings, element_type_field=None, parent_type=None, parent_element_id_fields=[], parent_element_id_mappings=[], child_type=None, child_element_id_fields=[], child_element_id_mappings=[], child_longname_mapping=None)[source]

Add new elements in a layer to a StructureElement. This way StructureElement trees can be built incrementally, rather than setting the relationships at once

  • mappings – A pandas DataFrame or dictionary containing the parent-child mappings

  • element_type_field – if set, the Dimension field that holds the type of element we wish to include as either parent or child elements. Typically this dimension field is called ‘Type’

  • parent_type – The value in the type field for parent elements. If set, only elements in the tree with the element_type_field set to parent_field will have children attached to them.

  • parent_element_id_fields – The dimension Element field(s) that holds the identity of the parents we want to attach to

  • parent_element_id_mappings – The columns in a pandas.DataFrame or keys in a Dictionary that identify the parent elements, and correspond to the parent_element_id_fields

  • child_type – The value in the type field for child elements. Elements with this element_type_field set to child_field will be candidates for attaching to the tree. If not found in the relevant dimension, new elements will be created with element_type_field set to this value

  • child_element_id_fields – The dimension Element field(s) that holds the identity of the children we want to attach

  • child_element_id_mappings – The columns in a pandas.DataFrame or keys in a Dictionary that identify the child elements, and correspond to the child_element_id_fields

  • child_longname_mapping – The longname of the child, as found in the mappings DataFrame or Dictionary - used to create new Elements when they do not exist in the relevant Dimension

If parent_type, parent_element_id_fields and parent_element_id_mappings are not set, then children will be attached to all nodes in the tree. This behaviour is most useful when adding the first layer to an ALL or TOTAL node.

property empower_period_number

Applies to time elements only. A read only property that returns the Empower Period type number (e.g. 3 for a Month)

property fields

A dictionary like object giving access to the underlying element’s fields. See the api documentation for Element.fields

filter(filter_rule=None, shortcode_list=None, filter_in=True)[source]

Filter out (or filter in) all elements of the subtree that do not (or do) conform to the filter rule or are not (or are) in the shortcode_list. filter_in determines whether the elements appearing in the list or conforming to the rule get filtered in or out

The shortcode list is applied first, followed by the filter rule

  • filter_rule – a function that takes a StructureElement and returns True if it is to be kept, False, otherwise

  • shortcode_list – list of shortcodes to be used to filter the tree, alternative to using a filter rule

  • filter_in – True if we wish to include shortcodes in the shortcode_list, False if we wish to exclude them from the tree


Get all of the elements in this hierarchy with the given shortname

get_leaves(subtree_shortname=None, permissive=True)[source]

Yield the leaf StructureElements in a ragged hierarchy, below the given shortname :param subtree_shortname: Empower Short Name of the Structure Element we want to start yielding items from. Defaults to the root of the tree.

get_subtree_translation_df(subtree_shortname, column_prefix=None, field_shortname=None)[source]

Starting at self (a root node) return a pandas DataFrame of shortname and physids for translating rollups for the sub-tree specified by the shortname

The returned DataFrame will have columns [‘Short Name’,’ID’,’level n physid’,…,’level m physid’] where level n is the level of the supplied subtree_shortname parameter For shortnames which are not at the extreme leaves of the tree, the [‘level m’] column plus some higher levels will have physid = -2 Joining the DataFrame that this function returns to transactional data will create a dataframe that can be used as the basis of a standard explode and load We can use ‘Short Name’ or ‘ID’ to do our join


subtree_shortname – Empower Short Name of the Structure Element we want to create a flattened translation below


pandas DataFrame [‘Short Name’,’ID’,’level n physid’,…,’level m physid’]


Yield unique leaf DimensionElements in a ragged hierarchy, below the given shortname :param subtree_shortname: Empower Short Name of the Structure Element we want to start yielding items from. Defaults to the root of the tree.

graft_on(scion_hierarchy, element_graft_rule=<function StructureElement.<lambda>>, scion_copied_once_only=False, return_copy=False, trace_element=None)[source]

When grafting apple trees together, you graft a scion (twig or branch) onto a rootstock tree. This function uses that terminology. Create an output hierarchy that takes the rootstock hierarchy and grafts on subtrees from the scion hierarchy. Scion StructureElement nodes are grafted on according to a rule which is passed in as a parameter: element_graft_rule. An example of an appropriate function to pass in, is one that looks at the underlying fields in the DimensionElements of both hierarchies and decides based on the fields whether a subtree is grafted on to the master tree

  • scion_hierarchy – A StructureElement which is the root of the scion hierarchy

  • element_graft_rule – A function which has 2 parameters - rootstock element, scion element and return True if the scion element belongs under the rootstock element and False otherwise

  • scion_copied_once_only – Boolean - does the element merge rule only copy single copies of the scion elements? If so we can optimize by marking nodes as fully transcribed from the scion to the output hierarchy, and avoid visiting them again

  • return_copy – Boolean - don’t graft the scion onto self - rather return a copy of self, with the scion grafted on

  • trace_element – shortcode or StructureElement. When the grafted tree is coming out with unexpected results you may wish to turn on log tracing for one of the rootstock elements (and its subtree)

property group_only

‘Group’ if this is a Group Only StructureElement. A GroupOnly element does not have a calculation, and cannot have data associated with it

property has_children

If this StructureElement has at least one childStructureElement, then return True, otherwise returns False

property interval

For Time StructureElements only. The interval of the underlying Time Element. See Element.interval for information

property interval_amount

For Time StructureElements only. The interval_amount of the underlying Time Element. See Element.interval_amount for information

property interval_index

For Time StructureElements only. The interval_index of the underlying Time Element. See Element.interval_index for information

property is_leaf

If this StructureElement has no children it is a ‘leaf element’, so return True, otherwise returns False

property leaves

Yield the leaf StructureElements in a ragged hierarchy, below the given shortname

property level

return the zero-based depth of this structure from the root

property longname

The longname of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement

property month

For Time StructureElements only. The month of the underlying Time Element. See Element.month for information

property offset

For Time StructureElements only. The offset of the underlying Time Element. See Element.offset for information

property parent

The Parent StructureElement of this StructureElement.

Will return None if this StructureElement has no parent

property path

Route from the structure to this StructureElement

Returns a string with the Structure shortname, then a dot, followed by Element shortnames down the hierarchy separated by forward slashes. >>> my_structure_element.path() ‘SPAM.BACON/EGGS’

property physid

The physical identity of the underlying Element. See the api documentation for Element.physid for information

print_hierarchy(prefix_string='', counter=None)[source]

Deprecated, Use the python print() function instead. Prints out the StructureElement in text form.

>>> print(site.dimensions[0].structures['SPAM'].hierarchies['EGGS'])

Remove a Child StructureElement. If a shortcode is passed in, remove the final child StructureElement with that shortcode


Remove all children from this structure element/ Same as .children.clear()

replace_child(child_structure_element, replacements=None)[source]

Replace one of the child structure elements with one or more structure elements in the same spot If there are no replacements, this function will behave in the same way as remove_child - only it will throw a KeyError if the child does not exist :param child_structure_element: Structure element in children to replace - if not found a KeyError will be raised :param replacements: a StructureElement or list of StructureElements to replace

property resolution

For Time StructureElements only. The resolution of the underlying Time Element. See Element.resolution for information

property security

The security of the underlying Element. See the api documentation for for information


Deprecated - the sort function is no longer used

set_tree(relationships, update=False)[source]

Set all of the relationships in the tree below this StructureElement. Old relationships will get thrown away

  • relationships – a list of parent child tuples, a dictionary of {child:parent} or a dataframe with columns ‘Short Name’ or ‘PhysID’ and ‘Parent Short Name’ or ‘Parent PhysID’

  • update – if set to True, the structure is updated, otherwise it is replaced (default)

property shallownesses

return a dictionary of shallownesses (from leaf) and list of StructureElements at that depth

property shortcode

The shortname of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement

property shortname

The shortname of the Empower Element underpinning this StructureElement

property site

The site this StructureElement belongs to

slurp_up_field(fieldname, optimisation_lookup={})[source]

From the leaves of a StructureElement to that StructureElement, copy the value in the children’s field to the parent StructureElement’s field, if and only if all of the fields on the children match.


The name of the field whos values we want copied up the Structure

property string_to_root

A string, similar to .path, of all ancestor StructureElements shortnames starting at the root ancestor StructureElement and seperated with ‘ -> ‘. Last shortname is this StructureElement’s shortname

property structure

The Empower Structure that this StructureElemtn belongs to. When this is set, all children have their structure set to the same Structure


Swap out elements in the tree for new ones If self not in the shortcode_element_dictionary, then return a copy of self

trickle_down_field(fieldname, value)[source]

Set the value of a field on this StructureElement and all its descendents

  • fieldname – Name of the Element field that we want to set

  • value – Value we want to set the element field to

trickle_down_fields(fieldname, value)[source]

Deprecated. Use trickle_down_field() instead


Add new relationships in the tree below this StructureElement. Children will be moved to new parents. Order will be preserved


relationships – a list of parent child tuples, a dictionary of {child:parent} or a dataframe with columns ‘Short Name’ or ‘PhysID’ and ‘Parent Short Name’ or ‘Parent PhysID’

walk(level=None, permissive=True)[source]

Visit every descendant element in a Structure element in turn. The tree is traversed depth-first, with the first child of the first child of the first child being visited before the second child of the first child of the first child is visited

  • level – Deprecated - do not set this

  • permissive – Deprecated

walk_subtree(subtree_shortname, permissive=True)[source]

Walk a tree starting at self (a root node) returning only the sub-tree specified by the shortname

  • subtree_shortname – Empower Short Name of the Structure Element we want to start yielding items from

  • permissive – If we know that we have an unambiguous element then do not assert that we are using a root node - this is especially good in get_leaves() when we don’t care

walk_with_levels(level=0, permissive=True)[source]

Yield all elements in a structure, beginning with the root. At the same time yield the level that we are in in the hierarchy.

  • level – Initial level we are counting from. Defaults to 0

  • permissive – Deprecated

property year

For Time StructureElements only. The year of the underlying Time Element. See Element.year for information

class pympx.pympx.Element(shortname=None, longname=None, description=None, physid=None, group_only=None, calculation_status=None, calculation=None, colour=None, measure=None, fields=None, override_shortname_length_rule=False, dimension=None)[source]

An Empower Element. The Element is as would be found on the [All] Structure in Empower.

Element’s don’t have parents or children - that is what a StructureElement has.


A string containing the Empower ‘Calculation’ for this Element.


The Empower ‘Calculation Status’ for this Element, will be ‘Real’ or ‘Calculated’


The Empower ‘Colour’ of this Element


Applies to time elements only.


The Empower ‘Description’ for this Element


True if this Element has been changed since creation, or since reading it from Empower.


Returns a dictionary-like object containing the Empower fields (a.k.a.


The Empower ‘Group Only’ for this Element, will be ‘Group’ or None


The Empower’ Long Name’ for this Element


True if this element has been created in Empower, False otherwise.


The Empower ‘Measure’ for this Element


Returns a Security object, which has python sets of users shortnames for .viewers, .modifiers and .data_viewers


Synonym of shortname, the Empower shortname for this Element


The Empower ‘Short Name’ for this Element


True if all of the attributes of this element have been synchronised with Empower.




Create a copy of self, not including the physid or shortname

merge(other[, fields_to_merge])

Merge another element into this one

__init__(shortname=None, longname=None, description=None, physid=None, group_only=None, calculation_status=None, calculation=None, colour=None, measure=None, fields=None, override_shortname_length_rule=False, dimension=None)[source]

Create a new Empower Element.

  • shortname – A ten-character (or shorter) string with the shortname for the Element. If this is not set, Empower will create one when this Element is synchronised.

  • longname – The name of the Element, as will be displayed in dashboards

  • description – A longer description of the Element, as stored in Empower

  • physid – the physical identifier of the Empower element - there is no need to set this, as Empower will set it automatically when this Element is synchronised.

  • group_only – Set to ‘Group’ if this is a group-only Element

  • calculation_status – ‘Real’ or ‘Calculated’

  • calculation – The Empower calculation for this element, as a string. This can be None for non-calculated elements

  • colour – Empower colour of the Element

  • measure – Empower measure for the Element

  • fields – A dictionary of fields. Keys must be the field longname as used in Empower.

  • override_shortname_length_rule – Allows elements to be created in python with shortnames longer than 10 characters. These shortnames will be overwritten by Empower when the elements are synchronised with Empower.

  • dimension – pympx.Dimension object that this element belongs to

property calculation

A string containing the Empower ‘Calculation’ for this Element. May be None

property calculation_status

The Empower ‘Calculation Status’ for this Element, will be ‘Real’ or ‘Calculated’

property colour

The Empower ‘Colour’ of this Element


Create a copy of self, not including the physid or shortname

property date

Applies to time elements only. A read only property that returns a date based on year, month, day and interval_type

property description

The Empower ‘Description’ for this Element

property edited

True if this Element has been changed since creation, or since reading it from Empower.

property fields

Returns a dictionary-like object containing the Empower fields (a.k.a. attributes) for this Element. Entries are of the form Long Name:String Value

property group_only

The Empower ‘Group Only’ for this Element, will be ‘Group’ or None

property longname

The Empower’ Long Name’ for this Element

property mastered

True if this element has been created in Empower, False otherwise. See .synched for the synchronisation (i.e. saved) status

property measure

The Empower ‘Measure’ for this Element

merge(other, fields_to_merge=None)[source]

Merge another element into this one

property security

Returns a Security object, which has python sets of users shortnames for .viewers, .modifiers and .data_viewers

property shortcode

Synonym of shortname, the Empower shortname for this Element

property shortname

The Empower ‘Short Name’ for this Element

property synched

True if all of the attributes of this element have been synchronised with Empower. Will be true after reading the Element from Empower, or after synchronisation. Will be False if the Element has been edited, or does not exist in Empower at all.

class pympx.pympx.Viewpoint(shortname, structure_0=None, structure_1=None, structure_2=None, structure_3=None, structure_4=None, structure_5=None, structure_6=None, structure_7=None, structure_8=None, structure_9=None, structure_10=None, structure_11=None, structure_12=None, site=None, longname=None, description=None, physid=None)[source]

An Empower Viewpoint. A viewpoint specifies a subcube of the entire Empower cube. We read and load data from Viewpoints. Viewpoints are a collection of structures, with one structure per dimension.



__init__(shortname, structure_0=None, structure_1=None, structure_2=None, structure_3=None, structure_4=None, structure_5=None, structure_6=None, structure_7=None, structure_8=None, structure_9=None, structure_10=None, structure_11=None, structure_12=None, site=None, longname=None, description=None, physid=None)[source]
class pympx.pympx.ElementSecurity(element, viewers={}, data_viewers={}, modifiers={}, initialise_synched=False, initialise_as_default=True)[source]

Encapsulate Element security, to make viewers, data_viewers and modifiers

__init__(element, viewers={}, data_viewers={}, modifiers={}, initialise_synched=False, initialise_as_default=True)[source]
class pympx.pympx.FieldDefinition(longname, shortname=None, description=None)[source]

Definition of a Dimension Field. Belongs to a Dimension, not to an Element

__init__(longname, shortname=None, description=None)[source]

Site and Focus Loader objects

class pympx.pympx.Loader(source=None, site=None, logging_queue=None, delta=True, identifier_columns=None, name='loader_0', safe_load=True, empower_period_type=3, empower_importer_executable='C:\\Program Files\\Metapraxis\\Empower 9.9\\Empower Importer Console.exe')[source]

Transactional data is loaded into Empower Sites - this object loads it



explode([dimension_0, dimension_1, ...])

Explode data by the dimension expansions given, and prepare for delta bulk loading

load() does .explode, .shard and .load_shards()

param dimension_0

string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants


Shard all of the delta files for all of the subloads to create files ready to be loaded



__init__(source=None, site=None, logging_queue=None, delta=True, identifier_columns=None, name='loader_0', safe_load=True, empower_period_type=3, empower_importer_executable='C:\\Program Files\\Metapraxis\\Empower 9.9\\Empower Importer Console.exe')[source]

If delta is set to True, (which is the default) then this loader will perform delta loads

  • source – A pandas Dataframe to be used as the source data

  • identifier_columns – Columns in the source which are useful in debugging

  • safe_load – only move Data Files after loading at the last moment - this makes the process perfectly restartable

explode(dimension_0=None, dimension_1=None, dimension_2=None, dimension_3=None, dimension_4=None, dimension_5=None, dimension_6=None, dimension_7=None, mode=None, base=None, time=None, metric=None, value_column=None, subload_name=None, empower_period_type=None, source_dataframe=None, ignore_zero_values=True)[source]

Explode data by the dimension expansions given, and prepare for delta bulk loading

  • dimension_0 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_1 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_2 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_3 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_4 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_5 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_6 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_7 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • mode – string, list, pympx.Element, or pympx.Constant

  • base – string, pympx.Element, or pympx.Constant

  • time – string, pympx.Element, or pympx.Constant or datetime

  • metric – Either a string naming the metric column, or a dictionary of column names to metric shortnames

  • value_column – When using a metric column containing metric (indicator) shortcode or physids, then put the name of the value column in here. If metrics are in different columns leave this parameter as None

  • subload_name

  • source_dataframe

  • ignore_zero_values – Usually we do not wish to load zero values into Empower. This flag prevents the zero values being loaded into Empower

load() does .explode(), .shard() and .load_shards()[source]
  • dimension_0 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_1 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_2 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_3 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_4 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_5 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_6 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • dimension_7 – string, list, pympx.Element, pympx.Constant or pympx.StructureMapper. String represents a column name, a Constant can be either a physid or shortname, a Structure mapper represents a hierarchy tree. List can be either a list of strings or Constants

  • mode – string, list, pympx.Element, or pympx.Constant

  • base – string, list, pympx.Element, or pympx.Constant

  • time – string, list, pympx.Element, or pympx.Constant

  • metric – Either a string naming the metric column which should contain metric shortnames or physids, or a dictionary of column names to metric shortnames

  • value – When using a metric column containing metric (indicator) shortcode or physids, then put the values in here. If metrics are in different columns leave this parameter as None

  • ignore_zero_values – Usually we do not wish to load zero values into Empower in order to save time and space, since most Empower cube implementations display N/As as zero anyway


Shard all of the delta files for all of the subloads to create files ready to be loaded

class pympx.pympx.FocusLoader(source=None, target=None, mappings=None, safe_load=True, identifier_columns=None, ignore_zero_values=True, clear_focus_before_loading=True, _defer_mapper_creation=False)[source]

Loads transactions into an Empower focus




BlockSet the Focus to N/A.

explode([dimension_0, dimension_1, ...])

Explode data by the dimension expansions given, and prepare for delta bulk loading

load() does .delete_target_data, .explode, ...)


Shard all of the delta files for all of the subloads to create files ready to be loaded



__init__(source=None, target=None, mappings=None, safe_load=True, identifier_columns=None, ignore_zero_values=True, clear_focus_before_loading=True, _defer_mapper_creation=False)[source]

Create a new FocusLoader

  • source

  • target

  • mappings

  • safe_load

  • identifier_columns

  • ignore_zero_values – Don’t load Zero values into the cube - leave N/As in place

  • clear_focus_before_loading


BlockSet the Focus to N/A. This is a mighty powerful command, to be used with caution

load() does .delete_target_data(), .explode(), .shard() and .load_shards()[source]
class pympx.pympx.CubeMapper(mappings=None, target=None, source=None)[source]

Class which maps a table (pandas DataFrame) to a Focus Contains the logic for turning dictionaries into more complex mapping objects which are Empower structure aware, and for inferring mapping information


Get the effective Structure Elements from the Transform dimension





__init__(mappings=None, target=None, source=None)[source]
property effective_transform_elements

Get the effective Structure Elements from the Transform dimension We just want the first ‘Raw’ element in the Viewpoint - we don’t care how many hierarchies the viewpoint has - since all Raw elements are utterly equivalent

Mappers for Site Loader objects

When loading transactional data into Empower using a Loader the following classes are used to map the hierarchies being loaded.

class pympx.pympx.Constant(constant=None)[source]

Object for for use with `Loader`s, designed to add a column to a pandas DataFrame containing a single physical identifier for the single Empower Element we want to load against.


map_dataframe(dataframe, dimension, loader)

Transform a pandas DataFrame, adding in a column containing an Empower Element physid (physical identifier) that can be used in an Empower bulk load process.


Object for use with `Loader`s,for easily adding the physical identifier of a constant element to the dataframe


constant – A string containing the shortcode of the Empower Element we want to load against

map_dataframe(dataframe, dimension, loader)[source]

Transform a pandas DataFrame, adding in a column containing an Empower Element physid (physical identifier) that can be used in an Empower bulk load process.

Returns a list of the names of the columns that have been created by the mapping process.

  • dataframe – The pandas dataframe being transformed.

  • dimension – Dimension being mapped. Since we only know the shortname being mapped we need the dimension to translate the string value

  • loader – Deprecated

class pympx.pympx.ColumnMapper(column_name, column_type, field_shortname)[source]

Utility object for for use with `Loader`s, designed to map columns in a pandas DataFrame to the physical identifiers of the Empower Elements we want to load against.


map_dataframe(dataframe, dimension, loader)

Transform a pandas DataFrame, adding in a column containing Empower Element physids (physical identifiers) that can be used in an Empower bulk load process.

__init__(column_name, column_type, field_shortname)[source]

Create a new ColumnMapper, a Utility object for for use with `Loader`s, designed to map columns in a pandas DataFrame to the physical identifiers of the Empower Elements we want to load against.

Maps a DataFrame column holding either, shortname, longname or field value for leaf level translation

  • column_name – The name of the column in the pandas DataFrame

  • column_type – one of ‘physid’, ‘shortname’, ‘longname’ or ‘field’

  • field_shortname – When this is set, the values in the column will be translated from the field in the dimension with that shortname. Use with column_type = ‘field’

map_dataframe(dataframe, dimension, loader)[source]

Transform a pandas DataFrame, adding in a column containing Empower Element physids (physical identifiers) that can be used in an Empower bulk load process.

Returns a list of the names of the columns that have been created by the mapping process.

  • dataframe – The pandas dataframe being transformed.

  • dimension – Dimension being mapped. Since we only know the shortname, longname or field being mapped we need the dimension to translate the string values

  • loader – Deprecated

class pympx.pympx.StructureMapper(shortname_column=None, subtree=None, longname_column=None, field_shortname=None, field_column=None, path=None)[source]

Object for use with `Loader`s,for easily mapping and aggregating up structures


map_dataframe(dataframe, dimension, loader)

Transform a pandas DataFrame, adding in a column containing Empower Element physids (physical identifiers) that can be used in an Empower bulk load process.

__init__(shortname_column=None, subtree=None, longname_column=None, field_shortname=None, field_column=None, path=None)[source]

Object for use with `Loader`s,for easily mapping and aggregating up structures A column will be added for each level of hierarchy from the leaf to the StructureElement specified in the constructor (i.e. the __init__ method)

Maps a DataFrame column holding either, shortname, longname or field value for leaf level translation Only one of shortname_column, longname_column or a combination of field_column and field_shortname needs to be supplied

  • shortname_column – The column (series) in the pandas DataFrame that will be mapped which holds the leaf shortname

  • longname_column – The column (series) in the pandas DataFrame that will be mapped which holds the leaf longname

  • field_column – The column (series) in the pandas DataFrame that will be mapped which holds the leaf field

  • field_shortname – The shortname of the dimension field holding the translation

  • subtree – a tuple of (structure shortname, root element shortname,subtree root shortname). Used for exploding data up a structure hierarchy. For backward compatibility only. Use path instead.

  • path – path to a StructureElement e.g. ‘MyStruct.Hier/Elemn1/Elemen2’ - An alternative to the subtree parameter

map_dataframe(dataframe, dimension, loader)[source]

Transform a pandas DataFrame, adding in a column containing Empower Element physids (physical identifiers) that can be used in an Empower bulk load process. A column will be added for each level of hierarchy from the leaf to the StructureElement specified in the constructor (i.e. the __init__ method)

Returns a list of the names of the columns that have been created by the mapping process.

  • dataframe – The pandas dataframe being transformed.

  • dimension – Dimension being mapped. Since we only know the shortname, longname or field being mapped we need the dimension to translate the string values

  • loader – Deprecated